
Posts Tagged ‘acknowledgements page’

Thank you, to you and you and you

We’re winding down here… Day 32 of the 5-Week Author Blog Challenge suggests we give some shout-outs. All 35 posts for this Challenge will be focused on writing, publishing, and book marketing. I hope you’ll stick around through all 35 posts. And if you want to take part, come on in – the water is great! You can register here.


Day 32 writing prompt:

Time for some shout-outs. This may mimic your acknowledgement page, but whom would you like to publicly thank for their help in creating your book or completing it to the point where it is presently?


I’ve not yet written the Acknowledgments page for “Stan,” but it will probably look a lot like this:

Stan probably wouldn’t have come into existence if it weren’t for my wonderful friend, Tim, on whom the character is very loosely based. We’ve lost touch over the last decade, but I know he’s still out there, and he comes to mind every now and again. As I mentioned in the prior post about having coffee with my favorite character, I would initially think of Tim when I pictured Stan – but that soon shifted, and Stan became his own person. A real person, to me, which I would venture to say is true for any novelist worth his/her salt. So, to Tim I say, “Thank you. For your kindness and amazing friendship. And for sparking a journey that would not have happened without you.”

Next up, I must thank the small group of writers in my very short-lived writers’ group. The writers themselves didn’t do anything in particular, but “Early one morning…” was one of the prompts we used, and it led to the first four paragraphs of Stan Finds Himself on the Other Side of the World.

Then, there’s the gang over at the 3-Day Novel Contest. It was over Labor Day weekend 2004 that Stan came to life. Yes, still working on it, but inching closer daily. Specifically, I thank whichever judge took the time to pen a handwritten note on the form rejection letter, which read: “‘Stan’ made it pretty far into the process. Good dialogue, good flow, good job!”

Of course, the shout-outs would be incomplete without thank you’s to all the people who gave me context, ideas, and insider info from which to write: Jane, Jacie, Nick F. and everyone else from my Lehman Brothers days, Samantha, Lisa, Sunil, Joey, Jeni, Arthur, and anyone else I might have inadvertently overlooked.

Next, I have to thank my sister and my friend Carol for their early strong encouragement. Right behind them are my great friends from a now defunct ABWA group. In particular, I thank Janet, the world traveler, who continues to cheer me on. She read an early copy of Stan and said, “It read like a mystery. Kept me interested to the end!” In fact, many of my world-traveler friends (Barbara, Ellyn, Helen, etc.) have given me hope that I’ve written well about places I’ve not yet visited.

Thank you to all the members of the Phoenix Publishing & Book Promotion Meetup who keep showing up and making progress on their own books. Your successes, small and large, continue to encourage me.

Thanks to my dad, who always believed in my language skills, and Sister Laurian for being one of my very first encouragers. Thanks to my mom for all the creative genius she sent my way. And thank you to my amazing husband, John, who continues to support and encourage whatever new crazy idea I come up with next. The ride wouldn’t be worth taking without you, babe!

Please make sure to check in again tomorrow, when I will offer be tossing out teasers on the ideas that might turn into my next novel.

And for the record, I’d love your feedback on my Author Blog Challenge posts! And, of course, would really love to have you support all of the bloggers in the Challenge. Find their links here.

Who do YOU need to thank today?



We welcome and encourage your thoughtful, courteous comments below.

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If you’re new to social media, my book Social Media for Authors goes into much greater detail about when, how, and where to post for the greatest chances at succeeding with your specific goals. Get your copy today! It’s never too early to begin planning!


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Every Savvy Book Marketer has an attitude of GRATITUDE.

(Please click on image to enlarge.)

You’ve had the weekend to mull it over, so I hope you’ve been giving some thought to how to make your book (or your book marketing campaign) remarkable.

One of the fastest ways to become remarkable is by adopting a daily practice of gratitude. You may be wondering what in the world gratitude has to do with book marketing – or you may  be thinking, “Tell me something I don’t already know!”

A number of years ago, I was at a business development meeting when I was quite surprised to hear a man I knew to be a fairly well-established business coach share with the group a “new discovery.” He stood up and told us how he had recently come to learn about the power of gratitude … and that he planned to begin implementing it as part of his daily routine. I remember thinking, “Really??! You’re 60-something and you’re just figuring that out now?” Later, as the movie The Secret began to take the world by storm, it became clear that this was actually a new concept for a lot of people.

Why is gratitude important, particularly to a successful book-marketing campaign? According to an article by Kevin Eikenberry on SuccessConsciousness.com, gratitude (1) attracts more of what we want, (2) improves relationships, (3) reduces negativity, (4) improves problem-solving skills, and (5) helps us learn.

Let’s break those items down, as they relate to selling books.

  1. What do we want? To sell more books.
  2. How do improved relationships help us sell more books? The stronger your relationships with your readers, the more they will want to buy your books AND tell others about you.
  3. Why do we want to reduce negativity? A book marketing campaign can be stressful; sometimes we’ll meet people who are not supportive. Gratitude helps us stay positive even when our progress is slower than we might like.
  4. What kinds of problems do we need to solve? Everything related to getting our book to market!
  5. Why is it important to keep learning? Even if you’re about to market your 20th book, there are always new tips, tools, and techniques to learn, embrace, and implement.

Whom should you thank? Only you can answer that – you might start with a list of people who helped you create your book and get where you are today. Go back as far as you feel appropriate … maybe even to your junior high creative writing teacher!

The traditional way an author thanks people is on the Acknowledgements page of their book. While that’s very nice and very formal, I’m suggesting something much more personal here. A phone call, an e-mail, a handwritten note, a mention in your blog, a Twitter or Facebook shout-out, a gift certificate to their favorite coffeehouse, an invitation to lunch, a gift basket… You get to decide. You needn’t break the bank to do this – just get creative. What would this individual really appreciate as a thank-you gesture?

Thank at least one person every day and watch your marketing campaign blossom!

See you Thursday!



Write | Market | Design is sponsoring an Author Discussion Series via our Facebook page. If you are interested in booking YOUR session, please complete this survey and someone will get back to you to schedule you.


We welcome and encourage your thoughtful, courteous comments below.


If you’d like us to add a link to your writing/self-publishing/book marketing blog, please send us a note. If we think it’s a good fit, we’ll be happy to add you. Of course, we’d appreciate the reciprocity of the same!

Additionally, Marcie would be happy to make a guest appearance on your writing/self-publishing/book marketing blog. Just let us know the theme or your idea (preferably including a 6-panel concept), and we’ll see what we can draft for you.



Monday, July 28 Is your book a word-of-mouth worthy PURPLE COW?

Monday, July 25 – Marketing a book is different than marketing a smartphone or a pair of shoes

Thursday, July 21Book marketing is like brushing your teethyou have to do it every day

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